Backyard Bird-Feeding is one of the most popular and most enjoyable activities this time of year. These pictures were taken less than 1 week after hanging our first feeder. Here are a few tips and ideas to help you get started or to help you improve your existing feeding areas.
- Black-Oil Sunflower seed in a tubular feeder is the best place to start. This has been proven to attract a number of different varieties in the shortest amount of time. Mix in a little striped sunflower with the black-oil and you will be very happy with the results.
- Place your feeder in an location easily visible from your living area. Your will want to watch your bird in action so location is the key.
- Placing your feeder near a small tree or large shrub will increase bird activity. They often fly away from the feeder, land on a branch and peck at the seed. The closer the branch, the better the view.
- Add a variety of different feeders with a variety of different foods. Nyjer seed, striped sunflower, peanut halves, cracked corn and suet are great additions.
- Keep your feeders separated as much as possible to allow feeding for all birds in case an aggressive, dominating bird arrives to one of your feeders.
- Place your feeders far enough away from your house to avoid window collisions.
- Keep your feeders filled. You don't want to give your birds a reason to head across town to feed at my house.
- Watch for small animals such as squirrels and raccoons. These pests can empty your feeders quickly and drive the birds away. There are repellents on the market that can be used to keep the bird feed to birds only and send the animals away. Cats can also be a problem and should be kept out of the feeding area if at all possible.
- Clean your feeder regularly to keep your feathered friends healthy and safe.
- Add a source of water for your birds to drink and bathe.
- Enjoy.